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Product Description

Kickstart your WonderDewi journey with the Boost 'n Bloom 7-Day Starter Kit. Achieve inner health with our essential GudGut™ probiotics and outer radiance with our revitalizing 7-Day Wonder Kit regimen. Experience the perfect blend of wellness and beauty in just one week.

Package include:

  • x7 GudGut Probiotics Sachets
  • x7 Dewi Masks
  • FREE x9 Skincare Samples
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WonderDewi GudGut™
  • Your gut’s BFF with 10 billion CFU of probiotics, Vitamin C & D for a happy, healthier gut.
  • Regulate immune cells to protect our body against infections.
  • Remove waste from our body for a healthy skin complexion.
WonderDewi 7-Day Wonder Kit
  • Hydro: Improves skin barrier function and prolongs skin hydration for a supple, dewy complexion.
  • Bright: Helps restore radiance to dull skin, brighten it, and shield it from free radical damage.
  • Soothe: To stabilise skin discomfort and provides a soothing sensation to reduce redness and itchiness, leaving skin calm and comfortable.
  • Repair: Repairs and increases skin elasticity while protecting skin from external aggressors for plumper and firmer skin.