10 Worst Foods For Your Skin According To Dermatologists

It’s well known that excessive exposure to the sun can damage your skin over a period of time, and you probably already know that maintaining a skincare routine on a regular basis may help keep acne, pimples, and dryness away. However, are you aware that your food also has an impact on the appearance of your skin?
As it happens, certain kinds of food can cause acne breakouts or hasten the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The saying “you are what you eat” applies to your health, and apparently, your skin too.
Read on to learn what are the top 10 worst foods for skin health and some tips on starting a diet for clear skin.
Relationship Between Diet and Skin Health

The skin is the human body’s biggest organ. It could be difficult to protect it against environmental pollution and chemicals, but the food you consume every day has an even greater impact. A high-sugar, processed-food diet can cause inflammation, flare-ups of acne, and premature skin ageing.
Diet is essential for every one of the biological reactions that impact the skin. Lifestyle choices and nutritional conditions can both heal and harm the skin. In broad terms, a diet that is high in fat causes skin ageing by generating skin oxidative stress, which results in damage caused by inflammatory processes.
Numerous studies have connected skin health to diet and eating habits in the last few years. Professional research and epidemiology have successfully coupled diet with tissues and organ welfare, confirming that dietary levels and consumption patterns do influence skin health and ageing.
A dietary pattern that prioritises natural foods over heavily processed ones can treat various skin problems while also preventing the complications that come with them. Protein peptides and fatty acids, for instance, boost the metabolism and antioxidants of the skin. The appropriate nutrition can keep your skin robust and prevent it from breaking out.
10 Worst Foods For Your Skin
It’s important to keep in mind the kind of foods you should avoid to ensure healthy skin . Here are the top 10 worst foods for your skin:

1. Microwave Meals
One of the worst foods for your skin are microwave meals. These meals have been related to skin damage since the plastics melt into the food you are eating, allowing the plastic toxins to enter your body. Furthermore, microwavable meals are often salty, which can affect your insulin level and have a negative impact on skin health on the state of your skin.

2. Dairy Products
According to research, consuming large amounts of dairy, especially cow’s milk, may trigger acne breakouts. Cow’s milk dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese, have been shown to boost insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), resulting in a spike in the size of the skin’s sebaceous gland, sebum production and worsening acne breakouts.

3. Spicy Foods
According to the National Rosacea Society, in a poll of 1,066 rosacea patients, 45% said spicy foods were a typical source of their facial redness. So, if you have rosacea, spicy meals are one of the foods to avoid if you want to improve your chances of having smoother skin.

4. Red Meat
While red meat is a good source of both iron and protein, it’s also heavy in saturated fats. Excessive saturated fats not only contribute to excessive cholesterol, but they may also cause problems with your skin, such as inflammation.

5. “Healthy” Cereal
Although whole grain foods have a glycemic index that is lower than white grains, most “healthy” cereals tend to be highly processed and abundant in added sugar. As a result, they can cause wrinkle-inducing glucose surges.

6. Sugary Sodas
Refined sugars that have been processed and contained in packaged meals, such as soda, are one of the worst foods for skin ageing. Sugar can also age skin by inducing a cross-linked state of collagen fibres. This ends up causing wrinkles and dry skin.

7. Chips
These snacks which are high in refined carbohydrates, can cause skin inflammation which has a high chance of leading to DNA and collagen damage. You’ll see more fine lines, wrinkles and an older appearance as time passes.

8. Fried Chicken
While your taste buds certainly enjoy fried foods, your skin does not. Despite the fact that regulatory limits have significantly lowered the quantity of trans fat permitted in meals, the harmful fats still occur naturally and some additional forms can still slip into your food and trigger inflammation or acne breakouts.

9. Butter
While fats are necessary for maintaining smooth skin, not all fats are made identical. Others, like trans fats that exist in butter, may dehydrate you. According to one study, greater consumption of butter was connected with increased skin ageing.

10. Fast Food
A Western-style diet high in calories, fat and refined carbs is highly linked to acne which is why it is one of the foods to avoid for healthy skin. Staples of this diet, like burgers, nuggets, hot dogs, fries, fizzy drinks and milkshakes, can increase the risk of acne.
Tips for Improving Skin Health Through Diet

Food is nothing other than fuel and our body is designed to work best when we feed it a well-balanced and healthy diet. However, while many of us are concerned with what we eat in terms of how our body looks, we frequently overlook the fact that a proper, balanced diet is crucial to achieving a wonderful, glowing complexion.
In order to keep your skin popping, working and feeling good, we must focus on nourishing it from within. All you really need is a good diet and self-discipline to maintain healthy skin!
Optimal skin health is achieved by incorporating antioxidant-rich foods and beverages into your clear skin diet. According to the Healthy Eating Plate, to ensure balanced nutrition, you ought to consume each of the following food groups in the suggested amounts:

- 1/2 of your plate should be made up of vegetables and fruits.
- Proteins should account for 1/4 of your dish.
- 1/4 of your plate should be made up of whole grains.
- Plant oils should be used sparingly.
- Restrict milk and dairy products to a maximum of 2 servings per day and limit your juice and smoothies intake to 150ml per day.
Achieve Your Skin Goals with WonderDewi
There is no miracle food or nutrients that you can consume every day to have perfect skin. In reality, the idea of ‘flawless skin’ appears to be quite unachievable because wrinkles, breakouts and sometimes pigmentation, are simply part of growing older.
So, what better way to influence your skin health than the one thing that you CAN control: your diet! Start making changes to your eating habits today and you will start experiencing better skin and overall body health.
If you’re looking for something that can assist you in achieving your skin goals, feel free to check out these WonderDewi products !